LoadInfoOffset property (ILEADRasterIO)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example

Delphi 4 example

C++ Builder example



long LoadInfoOffset


Refer to Loading a Bitmap from a File.


Specifies the position of the first byte of image data to be loaded. This can be 0 if your file does not have a header. LEADTOOLS uses this value only if it fails to find format information in the file header. You can use this and the other LoadInfo... properties for loading raw FAX data (CCITT Group 3 or Group 4).

LEADTOOLS checks the LoadInfoFormat property first. If that property has a non-zero value, it uses the other LoadInfo... property values. Keep in mind that when these values are used, LEADTOOLS does not validate the data in the file. If you want LEADTOOLS to validate the data, you must set the LoadInfoFormat property to zero.

See Also


EnableLoadInfoEvent property, ColorSpace property, LoadInfo event, LoadInfoBits property, LoadInfoFlags property, LoadInfoFormat property, LoadInfoHeight property, LoadInfoWidth property, LoadInfoXRes property, LoadInfoYRes property


Raster Images: Loading Files