MaxConventionalSize property (ILEADRaster)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



long MaxConventionalSize


Refer to Memory Storage Types for Bitmaps.


Gets or sets the maximum size for a conventional bitmap (default is 0x7FFFFFFF). Any bitmaps with a size bigger than this will be allocated as tiled.

If this property is >0, then it represents the maximum size in bytes.

If the property is <0, then it represents the maximum size in percentage of the total memory (physical and swap).

Values less than –100 are not allowed.

This parameter is ignored if the MemoryFlags property does not contain MEMORY_MAX_CONV_SIZE.

See Also


MemoryTiledThreshold property, TiledBitmapsSize property, MemoryConventionalTile property, MemoryFlags property, SetMemoryThresholds method, GetMemoryThresholds method


Raster Images: Creating and Deleting