ReadFileGeoKey method (ILEADRasterIO)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 6.0 example



short ReadFileGeoKey(BSTR bstrFile, long uTag);


Refer to Implementing GeoKeys (GeoTIFF tags)


Gets the specified GeoKey information from a TIFF file. This method is provided to support GeoKeys that you define.

You can use this method to obtain the GeoKey information from a particular file.

The most efficient way of reading the GeoKeys in a file is to enumerate them with EnumFileGeoKeys method and then read each GeoKey with ReadFileGeoKey.

Calling this method will update the following properties:

GeoKeyType property

GeoKeyCount property

GeoKeyData property

See Also


SetGeoKey method, GetGeoKey method, GeoKeyType property, GeoKeyCount property, GeoKeyData property, WriteFileGeoKey method, EnumFileGeoKeys method, EnumGeoKeys event


Raster Images: Working with Geo Keys


Implementing TIFF Tags