Creating and Using Annotations (Visual Basic)
Note: This topic is for Document/Medical only.
Take the following steps to add code that demonstrates the creation and deletion, saving and loading, and copying and pasting of annotation objects. This code also demonstrates the related events. Message boxes prompt for user actions that trigger events.
1. |
Start with the project that you created in Loading and Displaying an Image. |
2. |
Add the LEAD Raster Annotation Library to your project. |
On the Project pull-down menu, use the References option, and select the LEAD Raster Annotation Object Library |
3. |
Add the following code to the general declarations section of your project |
Public WithEvents RasterAnn As LEADRasterAnnotation
Public RasAnnToolbar As LEADRasterAnnToolBar
4. |
Add the following code to the main form's Load procedure |
Set RasterAnn = New LEADRasterAnnotation
Set RasAnnToolbar = New LEADRasterAnnToolBar
'Unlock annotation support
'Connect the raster annotation object to the RasterView control
RasterAnn.AnnParentRasterView = LEADRasterView1
'Enable left button drawing of annotations
RasterAnn.AnnAutoDrawEnable = True
'Enable right-click to display annotation menus
RasterAnn.AnnAutoMenuEnable = True
5. |
Name |
Caption |
AnnToggle |
Start |
IOToggle |
Save |
ClipboardToggle |
Copy |
Realize |
Realize |
6. |
Code the AnnToggle control's Click procedure as follows. In online help, you can use the Edit pull-down menu to copy the block of code. |
Private Sub AnnToggle_Click()
'Use the button to toggle between design mode and run mode
If AnnToggle.Caption = "Start" Then
RasterAnn.AnnTool = ANN_TOOL_BUTTON
'Make run mode the next thing.
AnnToggle.Caption = "Run Mode"
MsgBox "In design mode now. Draw a button object."
ElseIf AnnToggle.Caption = "Design Mode" Then
RasterAnn.AnnTool = ANN_TOOL_BUTTON
'Make run mode the next thing.
AnnToggle.Caption = "Run Mode"
Else 'The button takes us to run mode
RasterAnn.AnnUserMode = ANN_USERMODE_RUN
MsgBox "Click on your new button"
AnnToggle.Caption = "Design Mode"
End If
End Sub
7. |
Code the IOToggle control's Click procedure as follows: |
Private Sub IOToggle_Click()
Dim nRet As Integer
'Disable errors so that we can trap our own.
RasterAnn.EnableMethodErrors = False
'Use the button to toggle between saving and loading annotations
If IOToggle.Caption = "Save" Then
'Do nothing if there are no annotations.
If RasterAnn.AnnContainer = 0 Then Exit Sub
'Save the all annotations.
nRet = RasterAnn.AnnSave("c:\lead\images\tmp.ann", ANN_FMT_NATIVE, False, SAVE_OVERWRITE, 0)
If nRet = 0 Then
IOToggle.Caption = "Load"
MsgBox "Use the right mouse button to delete any annotations, then click Load"
MsgBox "Error code: " + Str(nRet)
End If
Else 'We are loading annotations
'Make sure we are in design mode
'Load the annotations.
nRet = RasterAnn.AnnLoad("c:\lead\images\tmp.ann", 1)
If nRet = 0 Then
IOToggle.Caption = "Save"
MsgBox "No annotations to load"
End If
End If
End Sub
8. |
Code the ClipboardToggle control's Click procedure as follows. (Note that Copy, Cut, and Paste are available as automated popup menu options. This code is for tailoring your application.) |
Private Sub ClipboardToggle_Click()
Dim nRet As Integer
'Disable errors so that we can trap our own.
RasterAnn.EnableMethodErrors = False
'Use the button to toggle between copying and pasting annotations
If ClipboardToggle.Caption = "Copy" Then
'Do nothing if there are no annotations.
If RasterAnn.AnnContainer = 0 Then Exit Sub
'Copy all annotations to the clipboard.
nRet = RasterAnn.AnnCopy(ANN_FMT_NATIVE, False, True)
If nRet = 0 Then
'Make pasting the next thing.
ClipboardToggle.Caption = "Paste"
MsgBox "Use the right mouse button to delete any annotations, then click Paste"
MsgBox "Error code: " + Str(nRet)
End If
Else 'We are pasting annotations
'Make sure we are in design mode
'Paste the annotations
If RasterAnn.AnnPasteReady Then
nRet = RasterAnn.AnnPaste
ClipboardToggle.Caption = "Copy"
MsgBox "No annotations to paste"
End If
End If
End Sub
9. |
Code the Realize control's Click procedure (which renders the annotation objects to the bitmap) as follows: |
Private Sub Realize_Click()
RasterAnn.AnnRealize False
MsgBox "Annotations are now rendered to the bitmap"
End Sub
10. |
Code the RasterAnn object's AnnCreate procedure as follows: |
Private Sub RasterAnn_OnAnnCreate(ByVal hAnnObject As Long)
Dim hObject As Long
Dim ObjectType As AnnObjectType
' Update the tag if we need one.
Static NewTag As Integer
RasterAnn.AnnGetType hObject
ObjectType = RasterAnn.AnnType
NewTag = NewTag + 1
RasterAnn.AnnSetTag hObject, NewTag
End If
End Sub
11. |
Code the RasterAnn object's AnnDrawn procedure as follows: |
Private Sub RasterAnn_OnAnnDrawn(ByVal hAnnObject As Long)
RasterAnn.AnnTool = ANN_TOOL_SELECT
MsgBox "Use the right mouse button to modify this object; then click on Run Mode to test it."
End Sub
12. |
Code the RasterAnn object's AnnClicked procedure as follows: |
Private Sub RasterAnn_OnAnnClicked(ByVal hAnnObject As Long)
Dim lTag As Long
RasterAnn.AnnGetTag hAnnObject
lTag = RasterAnn.AnnTag
MsgBox "This is what we do for the button tagged " + Str(lTag)
End Sub
13. |
Code the RasterAnn object's AnnDestroy procedure as follows: |
Private Sub RasterAnn_OnAnnDestroy(ByVal hAnnObject As Long)
Dim lTag As Long
RasterAnn.AnnGetTag hAnnObject
lTag = RasterAnn.AnnTag
MsgBox "The object tagged " + Str(lTag) + " is deleted."
End Sub
14. |
Run your program to test it. |