Version... example for Delphi
This example puts the version information into a string and displays the string in a message box.
procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
LevelStr, cMsg: String;
If Lead1.VersionLevel = TOOLKIT_LEVEL_EXP Then
LevelStr := 'Document/Medical editions '
Else LevelStr := 'Professional Edition';
cMsg := Lead1.VersionProduct + Chr(13) + LevelStr + Chr(13);
cMsg := cMsg + 'Version: ' + IntToStr(Lead1.VersionMajor) + '.';
cMsg := cMsg + IntToStr(Lead1.VersionMinor) + Chr(13);
cMsg := cMsg + 'Date produced: ' + Lead1.VersionDate + Chr(13);
cMsg := cMsg + 'Time produced: ' + Lead1.VersionTime + Chr(13);
{ Display the message box}
Application.MessageBox(PChar(cMsg), 'Version Info', mb_OK);