Hot Spot Annotation Object


This topic is for Document/Medical only.

The hot spot annotation object (ANNOBJECT_HOTSPOT) is a rectangle that can be activated for an application-defined purpose. With the automated functions, in design mode, the rectangle contains a scaled image. The user clicks and drags to specify the rectangle in the current window. In run mode, the object is transparent, but the mouse pointer changes to a hand when it is over the object. Clicking on the button triggers an AnnClicked event.

You cannot flip, reverse, or rotate a hot spot. If you flip, reverse, or rotate a container that includes a hot spot, the object will move to the new position, but will retain its orientation.

With low-level functions, you must specify the defining rectangle. Other applicable properties have the following defaults, which you can change:


Defaults to FALSE. It can be changed using the AnnSetVisible method.


Defaults to FALSE. It can be changed using the AnnSetSelected method.


Defaults to an empty string. It can be changed using the AnnSetNameOptions method.


Defaults to a campfire graphic. It can be changed using the AnnSetMetafile method.

Fixed State

Defaults to not fixed. It can be changed using the AnnFixed property.


Defaults to None. It can be changed using the AnnSetHyperlinkString method.

Tag (identifier)

Defaults to 0. It can be changed using the AnnSetTag method.

Window handle

Defaults to NULL or the handle inherited from the container. It can be changed for all objects using the AnnSetWnd method.

User mode

Defaults to design mode or the mode inherited from the container. It can be changed for all objects using the AnnUserMode property.

For information on flipping, reversing or rotating annotation objects, refer to Flipping, Reversing and Rotating Annotation Objects.

Related topics:

image\sqrblit.gif Implementing Annotations.

image\sqrblit.gif Types of Annotations.

image\sqrblit.gif Low-Level Coordinate System for Annotations.

image\sqrblit.gif Using Annotation Object Bitmaps