Using LEADTOOLS with Data Controls(C++ Builder)
You can associate the LEAD control with a data control so that the LEAD control's bitmap is bound to a specified field in the data control's data set.
Take the following steps to start a project and to add some code that associates the LEAD control with a data control:
1. |
Start C++Builder 3. |
2. |
On the Project menu, select Remove From Project and remove Unit1.cpp and Form1. |
3. |
On the Database menu, choose Form Wizard. In the first wizard dialog, select the following options and click Next: |
Create a simple form |
Create a form using TTable Object |
4. |
In the second wizard dialog, select the file IMAGES.DB shipped with LEADTOOLS and click Next. |
5. |
In the following dialog, click the ">>" button to select both fields, then click Next. |
6. |
In the following dialog, choose Vertically, then click Next. |
7. |
In the following dialog, choose Top, then click Next. |
8. |
In the last dialog, make sure that the options are as follows, them click Finish. |
Generate a main form |
Form Only |
9. |
Click on the ImageBMP control and delete it. In its place, insert a LEAD Main VCL Control (LEADImage) from the LEADTOOLS tab and position it as you would like it to appear in your application. |
10. |
Change the following properties of the LEAD Main Control as follows: |
Property |
Value |
DataSource |
DataSource1 |
DataField |
You must assign the DataSource before the DataField.
11. |
From the LEADTOOLS tab, add a LEADDlgFile control and a LEADDlgService control to the form. |
12. |
Add a Button control to the form and change its name to btnFlip. |
13. |
Add the following code to the FromCreate procedure. Do not delete code that already exists in the function. |
LEADImage1->BorderStyle = bsSingle;
LEADImage1->BackColor = (TColor)RGB(255, 255, 125);
LEADImage1->AutoRepaint = True;
LEADImage1->AutoSize = False;
LEADImage1->AutoSetRects = True;
LEADImage1->PaintSizeMode = smFit;
LEADImage1->DataLoadBits = 0;
14. |
Handle the DBNavigator OnClick event, and code the DBNavigator OnClick procedure as follows: |
void __fastcall TForm1::DBNavigatorClick(TObject *Sender, TNavigateBtn Button)
if(Button != nbInsert) /* do nothing */
LEADDlgFile1->DlgFlags = 0;
LEADDlgFile1->DialogTitle = "Add an image";
LEADDlgFile1->PreviewEnabled = True;
LEADDlgFile1->Filter = "All |*.*|CMP|*.cmp|JPEG|*.jpg";
LEADDlgFile1->FilterIndex = 2; /*look for *.cmp first*/
LEADDlgFile1->InitialDir = "C:\\Program Files\\LEAD Technologies, Inc\\LEADTOOLS14\\images\\";
LEADDlgFile1->LoadPasses = 0;
LEADDlgFile1->LoadRotated = True;
LEADDlgFile1->LoadCompressed = False;
LEADDlgFile1->DlgFlags = +
LEADDlgFile1->LEADImage = LEADImage1; /*assign the main control for processing*/
LEADDlgFile1->EnableMethodErrors = False;
/* when the user does not load and image, abort the process */
if(LEADDlgFile1->ShowOpenDlg(this) != SUCCESS_DLG_OK)
/* Enable image processing before posting to the database */
btnFlip->Enabled = True;
/* Specify the appropriate properties for saving the image in the database */
case 1:
LEADImage1->DataSaveBits = 1;
LEADImage1->DataSaveFormat = FILE_LEAD1BIT;
case 4:
LEADImage1->DataSaveBits = 4;
LEADImage1->DataSaveFormat = FILE_PCX;
if(LEADImage1->IsGrayScale == GRAY_NO) /* save as color */
LEADImage1->DataSaveBits = 24;
else /*save as grayscale*/
LEADImage1->DataSaveBits = 8;
LEADImage1->DataSaveFormat = FILE_CMP;
LEADImage1->DataSaveQuality = QMS;
} /* end of case statement */
15. |
Handle the btnFlip OnClick event, and code the btnFlipClick procedure as follows: |
void __fastcall TForm1::btnFlipClick(TObject *Sender)
16. |
Handle the LEADImage1 OnChange event, and code to the LEADImage1Change procedure as follows: |
void __fastcall TForm1::LEADImage1Change(TObject *Sender)
/* Avoid processing events that occur before the bitmap is fully loaded */
if(LEADImage1->Bitmap == 0)
/* Demonstrate how the DataChanged property works */
if(LEADImage1->DataChanged && (DataSource1->State != dsInsert))
ShowMessage("You flipped the image");
17. |
Handle the DataSource1 OnStateChange event, and code the DataSource1StateChange procedure as follows: |
void __fastcall TForm1::DataSource1StateChange (TObject *Sender)
btnFlip->Enabled = (DataSource1->State == dsEdit);
18. |
Run your program to test it. |