GetBitmapRowCol example for C++ Builder
void __fastcall TForm1::Button2Click(TObject *Sender)
int xOffset ; // Column offset of the rectangle to process
int xSize ; // Pixel width of the rectangle to process
int yOffset ; // Row offset of the rectangle to process
int ySize ; // Pixel height of the rectangle to process
unsigned char * pBuf ; // Buffer to hold the row
int i, n ; // Counters
// Load the bitmap, at 24 bits per pixel
LEADImage->Load ("v:\\images\\11.bmp", 24, 0, 1);
// Specify a rectangle in the top left part of the displayed image
xOffset = ( int ) LEADImage->BitmapWidth / 8) ;
xSize = ( int ) LEADImage->BitmapWidth / 3;
yOffset = ( int ) LEADImage->BitmapHeight / 8;
ySize = ( int ) LEADImage->BitmapHeight / 3;
// Allocate the buffer
hBuf = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, xSize * 3 ) ;
pBuf = ( unsigned char * ) GlobalLock( hBuf );
// Invert the colors of pixels in the rectangle
for ( i = yOffset; i < (yOffset + ySize); i ++ )
LEADImage->GetBitmapRowCol( pBuf, i, xOffset, xSize * 3);
for ( n =0; n < ( unsigned ) (xSize * 3 ); n ++ )
pBuf[n]= (pBuf[n] ^ 0xFF);
LEADImage->PutBitmapRowCol( pBuf, i, xOffset, xSize* 3);
// Free memory that we no longer need