IsPtInRgn (Main Control) example for C++ Builder
Code the LEAD Control MouseDown event as follows:
void __fastcall TForm1::Lead1MouseDown (TObject *Sender,
TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
float ZoomFactorX; /*Used for translating positioning information */
float ZoomFactorY; /*Used for translating positioning information */
int tX,tY ; /*For translated Mouse coordinates */
ZoomFactorX = Lead1->DstWidth / (float)Lead1->SrcWidth;
ZoomFactorY = Lead1->DstHeight / (float)Lead1->SrcHeight;
/*Translate the client coordinates to bitmap coordinates. */
tX = (X / ZoomFactorX) - (Lead1->DstLeft / ZoomFactorX) + Lead1->SrcLeft;
tY = (Y / ZoomFactorY) - (Lead1->DstTop / ZoomFactorY) + Lead1->SrcTop;
if( Lead1->HasRgn && Lead1->IsPtInRgn( tY , tX ))
Edit1->Text = "Inside the Region";
Edit1->Text = "Outside the Region";