OnFilePage Event example for C++ Builder
This example shows how the OnFilePage event can be used to size and position a lead control when an image is loaded.
void __fastcall TForm1::Lead1FilePage(TObject *Sender)
int HeightFactor, WidthFactor, /*Factors for aspect ratio */
HeightAllowed, WidthAllowed, /*Maximum width and height */
nWidth, nHeight, nLeft, nTop; /* control dimensions */
RECT rcWindow;
/* Set the variables used for preserving the aspect ratio. */
/* Allow for a border of 1/8 of the form size. */
HeightFactor = Lead1->InfoHeight;
WidthFactor = Lead1->InfoWidth;
HeightAllowed = (ClientHeight * 3) / 4;
WidthAllowed = (ClientWidth * 3) / 4;
/* Center the LEAD control on the form, preserving the aspect ratio. */
/* Check to see if using the maximum width will make the image too tall. */
/* Set the dimensions based on the result. */
if((((WidthAllowed * HeightFactor) / WidthFactor) < HeightAllowed))
nLeft = ClientWidth / 8;
nWidth = WidthAllowed;
nHeight = (nWidth * HeightFactor) / WidthFactor;
nTop = (ClientHeight - nHeight) / 2;
nTop = ClientHeight / 8;
nHeight = HeightAllowed;
nWidth = (nHeight * WidthFactor) / HeightFactor;
nLeft = (ClientWidth - nWidth) / 2;
rcWindow=Rect(0, 0, nWidth, nHeight);
OffsetRect(&rcWindow, nLeft, nTop);
Lead1->Height=rcWindow.bottom - rcWindow.top;
Lead1->Width=rcWindow.right - rcWindow.left;
/* Turn off scroll bars to make sure we use the full client area. */
/* Set the image display size to match the LEAD control */
Lead1->SetDstRect(0, 0,Lead1->Width, Lead1->Height);
Lead1->SetDstClipRect(0, 0, Lead1->Width, Lead1->Height);