OnPaint event example for C++ Builder


Start with the project that you created in Loading and Displaying an Image.


Add the following line to Unit1.h:

#include <stdlib.h>


Add the following declarations to the private section of the Unit1.h file:

RECT MyRect; /*Used with the OnPaint event example*/
POINT MyPoint; /*Used with the OnPaint event example*/


Add a button to the top of your main form, and in the Object Inspector box, change both its name and caption to Toggle.


Add an edit box to the top of your form, and in the Object Inspector box, change its name to Directions, and change its Text property to the following:

Use the Toggle button to turn on or turn off Click-Splat


Code the Toggle button's Click procedure as follows. This code uses the Enabled property to toggle the LEAD control's ability to respond to click events.

void __fastcall TForm1::ToggleClick(TObject *Sender)
      Lead1->Enabled = True;
      Directions->Text = "Click on the image for a splat";
      Toggle->Caption = "Disable";
      Lead1->Enabled = False;
      Directions->Text = "Click does nothing";
      Toggle->Caption = "Enable";


Code the LEAD control's Click procedure as follows. When the Enabled property is true, this code uses a Windows API call to generate an OnPaint event.

void __fastcall TForm1::Lead1Click(TObject *Sender)
   THandle hCtl;

   /*Do not use this event until the user enables it.*/
   if (Toggle->Caption != "Disable")
      return ;
   /* Use InvalidateRect to generate a paint message*/
   MyRect.left = 0;
   MyRect.top = 0;
   MyRect.bottom = Lead1->Height;
   MyRect.right = Lead1->Width;

   hCtl = (THandle)Lead1->Handle;
   InvalidateRect((HWND)hCtl, &MyRect, TRUE);


Code the LEAD control's Paint procedure as follows. The procedure uses Windows GDI functions to draw random lines on the control whenever there is an OnPaint event.

void __fastcall TForm1::Lead1Paint (TObject *Sender)
   int i, xStart, yStart, xDelta, yDelta, xEnd, yEnd ;
   HDC LeadClientDC;

   /*Do not use this event until the user enables it.*/
   if( Toggle->Caption != "Disable")
   MyPoint.x = 0;
   MyPoint.y = 0;
   /* Create a device context for the control that the GDI functions can access*/
   LeadClientDC = (HDC)Lead1->GetClientDC();
   /* Draw random lines on the control. This is an overlay that does not affect the bitmap.*/
   xStart = random(Lead1->Width + 1);
   yStart = random(Lead1->Height + 1);
   MoveToEx(LeadClientDC, xStart, yStart, &MyPoint);
   for (i=1; i<=50; i++)
      xDelta = random(81) - 40;
      yDelta = random(81) - 40;
      xEnd = xStart + xDelta;
      yEnd = yStart + yDelta;
      LineTo(LeadClientDC, xEnd, yEnd);
      MoveToEx(LeadClientDC, xStart, yStart, &MyPoint);

   /* Remove the lock from the device control*/


Run your program to test it.