ShowMagGlass example for C++ Builder
#define crNewCursor 10
// Global variable
bool gbLeftButton;
void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
LEADImage1->EnableMethodErrors= False;
// Load "Image1.cmp" file
LEADImage1->Load ( "e:\\image1.cmp", 0, 1, 1 );
// Load the Same Image in LEADImage2
LEADImage2->Load ( "e:\\image1.cmp", 0, 1, 1 );
// Invert the Bitmap
LEADImage2->Invert ( );
// Set the MagGlassFlags
// Load our cursor to be the MagGlass Curosr
Screen->Cursors[crNewCursor]= LoadCursorFromFile ( "e:\\cursor1.cur" );
LEADImage1->MagGlassPointer= (TCursor)crNewCursor;
// Starting the Magnifying Glass
LEADImage1->StartMagGlass ( 100,
(TColor)RGB(255, 0, 0),
(TColor)RGB(128, 128, 128),
True );
// Updating the Magnifying Glass bitmap of 1st control with bitmap of the
// 2nd control that has the same width and height.
LEADImage1->UpdateMagGlassFromHandle ( LEADImage2->Bitmap, true );
void __fastcall TForm1::LEADImage1MagGlassCursor(TObject *Sender)
// Check if the left button is not down and the Magnifying Glass is started
if ((!gbLeftButton) && (LEADImage1->HasMagGlass))
Cursor= LEADImage1->MagGlassPointer;
void __fastcall TForm1::LEADImage1MouseDown(TObject *Sender,
TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
L_INT nStatus;
// Check if this is a left button and the Magnifying Glass is started
if ((Button != mbLeft) || (!LEADImage1->HasMagGlass) )
// Move the Magnifying Glass to the hit position
nStatus= LEADImage1->SetMagGlassPos (X, Y);
if ( nStatus != SUCCESS )
ShowMessage ( "Error while displaying Magnifying Glass. Error: " + IntToStr(nStatus) );
// Show the Magnifying Glass
nStatus= LEADImage1->ShowMagGlass (true);
if ( nStatus != SUCCESS )
ShowMessage ( "Error while displaying Magnifying Glass. Error: " + IntToStr(nStatus) );
// Left button is currently pressed
gbLeftButton= true;
// Call this Windows API function to hide the cursor
ShowCursor ( false );
void __fastcall TForm1::LEADImage1MouseMove(TObject *Sender,
TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
L_INT nStatus;
// Check if the left button is down and the Magnifying Glass is started
if ( !LEADImage1->HasMagGlass )
// Move the Magnifying Glass to the mouse position
nStatus= LEADImage1->SetMagGlassPos(X, Y);
if ( nStatus != SUCCESS )
ShowMessage ( "Error while moving Magnifying Glass. Error: " + IntToStr(nStatus) );
void __fastcall TForm1::LEADImage1MouseUp(TObject *Sender,
TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
L_INT nStatus;
// Check if the left button is down and the Magnifying Glass is started
if ((Button != mbLeft) || (!LEADImage1->HasMagGlass) )
// Show the Magnifying Glass
nStatus= LEADImage1->ShowMagGlass ( false );
if ( nStatus != SUCCESS )
ShowMessage ( "Error while hiding Magnifying Glass. Error: " + IntToStr(nStatus) );
// Left button is released
gbLeftButton= true;
// Call this Windows API function to show the cursor
ShowCursor ( true );