WMFResolution example for C++ Builder
This example displays the default resolution stored in a WMF, changes the resolution to 150 dpi, and then loads the image
void __fastcall TForm1::LoadWMFClick(TObject *Sender)
AnsiString fileName;
fileName = "test.wmf";
// Display resolution stored in WMF
Lead1->GetFileInfo(fileName, 0);
ShowMessage("InfoXRes: " + IntToStr(Lead1->InfoXRes) + "\n" + "InfoYRes: " + IntToStr(Lead1->InfoYRes));
// Set resolution so WMF is loaded at 150 dpi
Lead1->WMFResolutionX = 150;
Lead1->WMFResolutionY = 150;
Lead1->Load(fileName, 0, 0, 1);