Delphi Syntax:
COMPAREDATA= Packed Record
nMinRange: L_INT;
nMaxRange: L_INT;
uFlags: L_UINT;
C++ Builder Syntax:
int nMinRange;
int nMaxRange;
unsigned uFlags;
The COMPAREDATA record (structure) contains the values to be used for thresholding and redistributing the bitmap's color component values for the ColorThreshold method.
Member |
Description |
nMinRange |
Value that represents the minimum boundary used to threshold the specific color. |
nMaxRange |
Value that represents the maximum boundary used to threshold the specific color. |
uFlags |
Flag that indicates which pixels will be modified, how the threshold pixel is handled and how rejected pixels are handled. Possible values are: |
The following flags indicate which pixels will be modified: |
Value |
Meaning |
[$00000000] The values falling outside the range are modified. |
[$00000001] The values falling inside the range are modified. |
The following are the flags that indicate how the threshold pixel is handled: |
Value |
Meaning |
[$00000000] Each channel component is modified independently. |
[$00000010] The pixel is rejected if any component is rejected. |
The following are the flags that indicate how the rejected values are handled: |
Value |
Meaning |
[$00000000] The rejected values are set to 0. |
[$00000100] The rejected values are set to the maximum value |
[$00000200] The rejected component values less that nMin go to the minimum value in the used color space component and the rejected component values greater than nMax go to the maximum value in the used color space component. This works only with the CLTH_MOD_CHANNEL flag. |