Implementing Annotations


This topic is for Document/Medical only.

LEADTOOLS maintains annotations separately from bitmaps. Annotations, which are based on vector drawing functions, are associated with a bitmap only as an overlay of the displayed image. Ordinarily, your application code is responsible for maintaining the relationships between images and annotations. For example, the annotation example that ships with LEADTOOLS creates an annotation file that has the same name as its associated image file, but with a different extension. When the image file is loaded, the program looks for an associated annotation file and loads it as well.

The LEAD control implements annotations by turning on automated features. You can set the following property to let a user add annotations (in design mode) or view annotations (in run mode). You can also use this property to make the annotations invisible.

AnnUserMode property

The following property lets you automatically rotate annotations to match the bitmap's rotation:

AnnAutoRotate property

The following property lets you automatically resize annotations to match the bitmap, after the bitmap has been resized:

AnnAutoResize property

In design mode, the following property lets you select an annotation tool:

AnnTool property

Run mode activation of a hot spot or button annotation generates the following event where you can add your own code:

OnAnnClicked event

If your application requires you to uniquely identify an annotation object, you can use the following methods to maintain numeric tags, and retrieve an object based on that tag:

AnnSetTag method

AnnGetTag method

AnnGetObjectFromTag method

The following method lets you identify the type of the specified annotation object:

AnnGetType method

To determine the number of items present in an object, use the following:

OnAnnEnumerate event

AnnEnumerate method

The following events let you add code to adapt your application to the automated annotation features:

OnAnnCreate event

OnAnnDestroy event

OnAnnDrawn event

OnAnnChange event

OnAnnSelect event

The AnnGetItemHandle method accesses a specific handle from an array of handles. The array of handles can be obtained from the following:

AnnGetSelectList method

OnAnnSelect event

OnAnnHyperlinkMenu event

The following methods let you flip, reverse, rotate, or move annotations programmatically:

AnnFlip method

AnnReverse method

AnnRotate method

AnnMove method

AnnRectHeight property

AnnRectLeft property

AnnRectTop property

AnnRectWidth property

The following properties and methods let you create and manipulate annotation objects:

AnnAutoCursor property

AnnAutoHilightPen property

AnnCreateItem method

AnnCreate method

AnnInsert method

AnnSetAutoDefaults method

AnnRectLeft property

AnnRectHeight property

AnnRectTop property

AnnRectWidth property

AnnGetROP2 method

AnnSetROP2 method

AnnSetVisible method

AnnGetVisible method

AnnSetSelected method

AnnGetSelected method

AnnSetShowFlags method

AnnGetShowFlags method

AnnSetTransparent method

AnnGetTransparent method

AnnSetTransparentColor method

AnnGetTransparentColor method

AnnGetNodes method

AnnGetProtractorOptions method

AnnSetNodes method

AnnSetProtractorOptions method

AnnGetAutoBackColor method

AnnSetAutoBackColor method

AnnGetAngle method

The following methods and property let you get and set image files associated with annotation objects:

AnnSetBitmap method

AnnGetBitmap method

AnnSetMetafile method

AnnGetMetafile method

AnnSetSecondaryBitmap method

AnnGetSecondaryBitmap method

AnnPredefinedBitmap property

AnnGetSecondaryMetafile method

AnnSetPredefinedMetafile method

AnnGetPredefinedMetafile method

The following properties let you get the boundaries of the bounding rectangle of the specified annotation object:

AnnBoundingRectHeight property

AnnBoundingRectLeft property

AnnBoundingRectTop property

AnnBoundingRectWidth property

The following methods let you group or ungroup annotations:

AnnGetGrouping method

AnnGroup method

AnnSetGrouping method

AnnUngroup method

For more information on grouping and ungrouping annotations, refer to Grouping and Ungrouping Annotation Objects.

The following methods provide selection capabilities:

AnnGetSelected method

AnnRemove method

AnnSelectPoint method

AnnSelectRect method

AnnGetSelectRect method

AnnGetContainer method

AnnGetTopContainer method

AnnCut method

AnnHitTestExt method

AnnGetType methode

AnnShowLockedIcon property

AnnGetSelectCount method

AnnSetSelected method

AnnInsert method

You can manipulate the mouse when working with annotations using the following:

OnAnnMouseDown event

OnAnnMouseMove event

OnAnnMouseUp event

SetMousePos method

The following method lets you apply annotations to the bitmap, itself.

AnnRealize method

The following method lets you restore the background of redact objects.

AnnUnrealize method

The following methods let you load annotations from a file or save them to a file:

AnnLoad method

AnnDataPath property

AnnLoadMemory method

AnnSave method

AnnSaveMemory method

The following method lets you save annotations in a Wang compatible TIFF tag:

AnnSaveTag method

The following methods and property support Windows clipboard operations:

AnnCopy method

AnnPasteReady property

AnnPaste method

The following properties and methods let you control and customize the menus and other text strings that appear in automation mode:

AnnAutoDialogFontSize property

AnnAutoMenuEnable property

AnnAutoDrawEnable property

AnnGetAutoText method

AnnSetAutoText method

AnnGetAutoMenuItemEnable method

AnnSetAutoMenuItemEnable method

For information on modifying the annotation automation menu through the AnnMenu object, refer to Annotation Menu.

To undo changes made to objects or automation operations, use the following methods and properties:

AnnAddUndoNode method

AnnUndo method

AnnUndoDepth property

AnnUndoEnable property

For more information on undoing operations, refer to Undoing Automation Operations.

You can use LEADTOOLS DLL functions to further customize the automated annotation features. Keep in mind, however, that the VCL relies on particular ways of identifying, and positioning annotation objects. Modifying the behavior with DLL functions can break the automated features. The following methods, properties, and events can be helpful when using DLL functions:

AnnContainer property

AnnAutomation property

AnnGetSelectCount method

AnnGetSelectList method

OnAnnSelect event

AnnGetPointCount method

AnnGetPointX method

AnnGetPointY method

AnnGetSelected method

AnnRemove method

AnnCut method

AnnGetTopContainer method

AnnGetContainer method

User Interface for Annotations

In design mode, you can select tools using the AnnTool property and draw annotation objects over the image in the window. You can then use the right mouse button to get a pop-up menu that is tailored to each object type. You can include the Annotation Toolbar to make tool selection easier. The toolbar and the pop-up menu appear as shown in the following example:

The popup menu is context sensitive. It lists only the properties that can be changed on the selected object or objects. If you use the popup menu to change a property, the value that you specify is applied to the current selection, and it becomes the default for the next object.

The following topics describe the automated annotation features for particular objects and tools:

image\sqrblit.gif Setting Defaults

image\sqrblit.gif Selection Pointer Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Line Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Rectangle Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Ellipse Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Polyline Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Polygon Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Pointer Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Freehand Line Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Highlight Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Redaction Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Text Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Note Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Stamp Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Hot spot Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Button Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Audio Clip Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Ruler Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Cross product Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Point Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Protractor Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Video Tool

image\sqrblit.gif PushPin Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Freehand Hot Spot Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Rubber Stamp Tools

image\sqrblit.gif Curve Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Closed Curve Tool

image\sqrblit.gif RTF Tool

image\sqrblit.gif PolyRuler Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Encrypt Tool

image\sqrblit.gif Text Pointer Tool

See Also

Grouping and Ungrouping Annotation Objects

Annotation Toolbar

Annotation Menu

Annotation Point