ButtonToolCount property (TAnnMenu)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

int ButtonToolCount [int iButtonIndex]

Delphi Syntax

ButtonToolCount [iButtonIndex: Integer]: Integer


Refer to Annotation Toolbar


(Document/Medical only) Contains the number of tools associated with the specified button in the AnnToolbar object. For example, if ButtonToolCount [2] contains the value 4, then there are four tools associated with the third button in the AnnToolbar object. (iButtonIndex is zero-based.)

See Also


AutoSetTool property, ButtonBitmapDown property, ButtonBitmapUp property, ButtonColumns property,ButtonCount property, ButtonMenuText property, ButtonMenuTextID property, ButtonMenuTool property, ButtonRows property, ButtonTool property, ButtonToolTipText property, ButtonToolTipTextID property, ButtonVisible property, CreateTB method, h_Wnd property, Tool property, Visible property


Annotations (Document/Medical only): Automation