CancelFloater method (Main Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

int CancelFloater (void);

Delphi Syntax

CancelFloater: Integer


Refer to Creating and Using a Bitmap Region.


Causes cancellation of the region and deletion of the floater, if the floater is automatically created using the AutoFloater property. A floater can be created automatically from a region using the mouse if the AutoFloater property and the EnableFloater property are True. When a floater is active, clicking inside the Main Control's bitmap and outside the region causes the floater to be pasted and the region to be canceled. Calling this method removes the floater without pasting it.

See Also


SetRgnEllipse method, EnableFloater property, SetRgnRect method, SetRgnColor method, PolygonSize property, OffsetRgn method


Raster Images: Creating and Using a Region