GetUserLookupTable method (Main Control)

C++ Builder exampleGetUserLookupTableExCB

Delphi exampleGetUserLookupTableExD4


Builder Syntax

Int GetUserLookupTable(Windows::PLongint nPointCount);

Delphi Syntax

Function GetUserLookupTable(nPointCount: pLongInt): Integer;


Refer to Using Histograms.


Updates the HistogramTable property array, based on a curve that passes through points defined by the UserLUTCurveX and UserLUTCurveY properties.

This method will update the lookup table array using the best curve that passes through the points specified in the Lookup Table Curve.

Before using this method, you must allocate a Lookup Table Curve Array using the UserLUTCurveSize property, then fill the coordinates of its points with the UserLUTCurveX and UserLUTCurveY properties.

See Also


RemapIntensity method, RemapTable property, RemapTableSize property, UserLUTCurveX property, UserLUTCurveY property, UserLUTCurveSize property


Changing Brightness and Contrast