Base filename string for the output file or files.
If bMultiPage is False, save each scanned image in a separate TIFF file. In this case, filenames are created using the string in BaseFileName and incrementing each filename by one. By default, the numbering will begin with "0001" and will be incremented with each page scanned ("0002","0003", ... ). Each file will be saved according to the format indicated in nFormat. If a file already exists, for example "Page0002", it will be overwritten. The user can control the number of digits used in numbering the filenames by including asterisks '*' in the filename, before the extension. For example, passing "c:\temp\isis\test**.tif" for BaseFileName indicates to use only two digits in the filenames (test04.tif), while passing "c:\temp\isis\test*****.tif" for BaseFileName indicates to use only five digits in the filenames (test00001.tif). If no asterisks are included, the default of four digits will be used (test0003.tif).