ISISGetASCIITag method (ISISŪ Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

int __fastcall ISISGetASCIITag(unsigned uTag, LEADTyp::L_PPCHAR ppszValue, bool bDefault);

Delphi Syntax

Function ISISGetASCIITag(uTag:Cardinal; ppszValue: L_PPCHAR; bDefault: Boolean ): Integer;


Using ISISŪ to Scan Images


(Document/Medical), Gets the current or default value of the ISISŪ Scanner Driver tag designated in uTag.

The ISISLoadDriver method must be called before calling the ISISGetASCIITag method.

See Also


ISISSetASCIITag method, ISISSetTag method, ISISGetASCIITagChoiceCount method, ISISGetASCIITagChoice method, ISISGetTagChoiceCount method, ISISGetTagChoice method, ISISAcquire method, ISISAcquireMulti method, ISISGetTag method, ISISSetTag method


Raster Images: Scanning Images using ISIS