LayerMaskBitmap property (Main Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

TBitmapHandle LayerMaskBitmap[int iLayer]

Delphi Syntax

LayerMaskBitmap [iLayer: Integer]: TBITMAPHANDLE


Refer to Layers in Files


Gets or sets the mask bitmap for the layer. The mask bitmap is an 8-bit grayscale bitmap. The value of each pixel in the mask layer bitmap determines the transparency of the corresponding layer bitmap. A value of 0 represents full transparency while a value of $FF represents complete opacity. Intermediate values represent translucency. If the mask bitmap does not exist, then the layer is considered to be visible (it is as if the mask bitmap contained only $FF pixels.

For more information, refer to FILE FORMATS SPECIFICATION from Adobe.

See Also


LayerBlendModeKey property, LayerOpacity property, LayerLeft property, LayerClipping property, LayerTop property, Save method, SaveLayers property