OnDotRemove event (Main Control)
Builder Syntax: |
void __fastcall OnDotRemve(System::TObject* Sender, HRGN hDotRgn, int nBoundingRectLeft, int nBoundingRectTop, int nBoundingRectWidth, int nBoundingRectHeight, int iWhiteCount, int iBlackCount); |
Delphi Syntax: |
procedure OnDotRemove (Sender: TObject;hDotRgn : HRGN; nBoundingRectLeft, nBoundingRectTop, nBoundingRectWidth, nBoundingRectHeight, iWhiteCount, iBlackCount : longInt) of Object; |
Overview |
Refer to Cleaning Up 1-Bit Images |
(Document/Medical)This event is triggered once for each dot, speck, or blob that is detected. Set the DocCleanSuccess property to SUCCESS_REMOVE to have the dot removed. Set the DocCleanSuccess property to SUCCESS_NOREMOVE to leave the dot unchanged. Set the DocCleanSuccess property to 0 to abort. If the uFlags parameter of the DotRemove method is set to DOT_IMAGE_UNCHANGED | DOT_SINGLE_REGION, then the value of the DocCleanSuccess property affects only the internal single region that contains all the changes.
Note: |
hDotRgn is only valid during this event. To use the hRgn after the event has terminated, make a copy of it using the SetRgnHandle method. |
See Also
Elements: |
Topics: |