OnInvertedText event (Main Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

void __fastcall OnInvertedText (System::TObject* Sender, HRGN hTextRgn , int nBoundingRectLeft, int nBoundingRectTop, int nBoundingRectWidth, int nBoundingRectHeight, int nWhiteCount, int nBlackCount);

Delphi Syntax

procedure OnInvertedText (Sender :TObject;hTextRgn: HRGN;nBoundingRectLeft, nBoundingRectTop, nBoundingRectWidth, nBoundingRectHeight, iWhiteCount, iBlackCount : longint);


Refer to Cleaning Up 1-Bit Images


(Document/Medical)This event is triggered once for each area of inverted text that is detected. Set the DocCleanSuccess property to SUCCESS_REMOVE to have the area inverted. Set the DocCleanSuccess property to SUCCESS_NOREMOVE to leave the area unchanged. Set the DocCleanSuccess property to 0 to abort. If the uFlags parameter of the InvertedText methodis set to INVERTEDTEXT_IMAGE_UNCHANGED | INVERTEDTEXT _SINGLE_REGION, then the value of the DocCleanSuccess property affects only the internal single region that contains all the changes.


hTextRgn is only valid during this event. To use the hTextRgn after the event has terminated, make a copy of it using the SetRgnHandle method.

See Also


InvertedText method


Raster Images: Cleaning - up 1-Bit Images