PDFInitDir property (Main Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

AnsiString PDFInitDir

Delphi Syntax

PDFInitDir: String;


Refer to Implementing PDF Plug in Features.


Gets or sets the path of the PDF Lib, Font and Resource initialization directories.

The default PDF initialization directories path is stored in the system registry key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\LEAD Technologies, Inc.\Pdf\GS_LIB". If this property is not set, the engine will look for the PDF initialization files in the default PDF initialization directories path (specified by the registry key).

See Also


PreLoadFilters method, IgnoreFilters method, PDFXResolution property, PDFYResolution property, PDFTextAlpha property, PDFGraphicsAlpha property, PDFUseLibFonts property, PDFUserPassword property, PDFEnable128bit property, PDFEncryptFlags property, PDFSaveUseDPI property


Working with the Control: General Behavior