PTKResolution property (Main Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

int PTKResolution;

Delphi Syntax

PTKResolution: Integer;


Refer to Loading a Bitmap from a File.


Gets or sets the display resolution that LEADTOOLS uses when loading PTOCA and AFP: PTOCA files.

The default for this property is 96.

See Also


PDFYResolution property, PDFDisplayDepth property, PDFTextAlpha property, PDFGraphicsAlpha property, PDFUseLibFonts property, PLTPenWidth property, PLTPenColor property, RTFTopMarg property, RTFBottomMarg property, RTFRightMarg property, RTFLeftMarg property, RTFPaperWidth property, RTFPaperHeight property


Raster Images: Loading Files