FaceNameColor property (TAnnNameOptions)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

TColor FaceNameColor

Delphi Syntax

FaceNameColor: TColor


Refer to Implementing Annotations.


Gets or set the foreground color of the annotation name text.

The text of the annotation name can be set or obtained with the AnnotationName property. To get or set the background color for the name text, use the BackNameColor property.

To convert from a TColor value to a COLORREF value, call the ColorToRGB method. To convert from a COLORREF value to a TColor value, cast the COLORREF value to a TColor type.

See Also


AnnGetNameOptions method, AnnSetNameOptions method, Flags property (TAnnNameOptions), ShowName property (TAnnNameOptions), AnnotationName property (TAnnNameOptions), NameOffsetX property (TAnnNameOptions), NameOffsetY property (TAnnNameOptions), NameRestrict property (TAnnNameOptions), BackNameColor property (TAnnNameOptions), NameBackTransparent property (TAnnNameOptions), FontName property (TAnnNameOptions), FontItalic property (TAnnNameOptions), FontStrikeOut property (TAnnNameOptions), FontUnderLine property (TAnnNameOptions), FontSize property (TAnnNameOptions), AnnNameOptions property


Annotations:Object Manipulation


Using Color Values in LEADTOOLS