SetFloaterDstRect method (Main Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi 2.0 example


Builder Syntax

int SetFloaterDstRect (int iLeft, int iTop, int iWidth, int iHeight);

Delphi Syntax

SetFloaterDstRect (iLeft, iTop, iWidth, iHeight: Integer): Integer;


Refer to Creating and Using a Bitmap Region.


Positions and sizes the display of the floater by setting destination rectangle.

This method is commonly used when the AutoFloater property is False to reposition the floater in the client area using the OnMouseMove event.

If the floater is visible, its region is automatically repainted when you set the destination rectangle. If the AutoSetRects property is set to True, the destination rectangle defaults to the size of the floater bitmap. Therefore, you must use this method to set the destination rectangle to the desired position.

A floater is an additional bitmap that is associated with the Main Control. Its common application is to implement the interactive visual aspects of an outline-drag-and-paste operation. You use it to get a copy of the image in the current bitmap region, which the user can drag to another position in the Main Control's client area.

See Also


SetFloaterDstClipRect method


Raster Images: Copying Images


Raster Images: Creating and Using a Region