ExtractMessage method (Main Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

int ExtractMessage(AnsiString &strMsg, AnsiString &strPassword, AnsiString &strFileName, AnsiString strDirectory, TPoint &ptStart);

Delphi Syntax

Function ExtractMessage (var strMsg: String; var strPassword: String; var strFileName: String; var strDirectory: String; var ptStart: TPoint): L_INT;


Refer to Non-Image Data


(Document/Medical only) Extracts a message (text or file) from the specified bitmap, if the bitmap has an embedded message.

This method is used to extract the message that was added to the bitmap by the AddMessage method.

This method can extract a message from any type of lossless image format such as bmp, tiff, lossless jpeg, and so forth. If used with lossy format types the message may be corrupted or lost.

This method supports 24- and 48-bit images, and 8- and 16-bit grayscale images.

Support for 16-bit grayscale and 48-bit color images is available only in the Document/Medical toolkits.

This method supports signed data images.

See Also


AddMessage method.


Raster Images: Getting and Setting File Information