EdgeDetectEffect method (Main Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

int EdgeDetectEffect(unsigned uLevel, unsigned uThreshold, unsigned uFlags);

Delphi Syntax

Function EdgeDetectEffect(uLevel: L_UINT; uThreshold: L_UINT; uFlags: L_UINT): L_INT;


Refer to Detecting and Enhancing Edges and Lines


Performs edge detection on the image. This method detects the edges in the bitmap currently loaded in the Main Control, and then replaces the values of the edge pixels with new values calculated according to the uFlags. The bitmap loaded in the Main Control can be accessed through the Bitmap property (Main Control).

This method supports 12 and 16-bit grayscale and 48 and 64-bit color images. Support for 12 and 16-bit grayscale and 48 and 64-bit color images is available only in the Document/Medical toolkits.

This method does not support signed data images. It returns the error code ERROR_SIGNED_DATA_NOT_SUPPORTED if a signed data image is passed to this method.

See Also


EdgeDetector method, SpatialFilter method, EdgeDetectStatistical method, DirectionEdgeStatistical method.


Raster Images: Filtering Images