LEADTOOLS Visual Component Library (VCL) Help
    Introduction to LEADTOOLS VCL
    Version History
    Introduction and Overview
    Known Problems
    Programming with LEADTOOLS
    Redistributables/Files to be Included With Your Application
    File Formats
    Tutorials and Code Samples
    Quick Reference
       Technical Support
       Functional Quick Reference
          Properties, Methods, and Events
          Working with the Control
          Raster Images
             Annotations (Document/Medical): Annotation Events
             Annotations (Document/Medical): Annotation Hyperlink
             Annotations (Document/Medical): Annotation Security
             Annotations (Document/Medical only): Global Properties
             Annotations (Document/Medical only): Grouping and Ungrouping Objects
             Annotations (Document/Medical only): Object Bitmap
             Annotations (Document/Medical only): Object Information
             Annotations (Document/Medical): Object Manipulation
             Annotations (Document/Medical only): Realizing to a Bitmap
             Annotations (Document/Medical): Using the Mouse
             Creation, Deletion, and Copying
             Input and Output
             Object Properties
             Size, Position, and Shape
                Annotations (Document/Medical only): Size, Position, and Shape
                Annotations (Document/Medical only): Doing Geometric Transformations
                Annotations (Document/Medical only): Getting and Setting Geometric Properties
                Annotations (Document/Medical only): Using Window Coordinates to Define an Object
                Annotations (Document/Medical only): Using Window Coordinates to Select Objects
       Data Types
       Error Codes
    Properties, Methods, and Events
    LEADTOOLS Licensing, Products, & Imaging