Color Conversion

LEADTOOLS includes functions with many options that give you the flexibility to make your images look as good as possible. Whether you are working with

medical images

scanned documents


digital photographs

LEADTOOLS can help you provide the correct color depth for the hardware your clients are using. And whether you are developing software applications or manufacturing hardware, LEADTOOLS can help you create your own ICC profiles. To start, LEADTOOLS can convert images from any color resolution to any other color resolution, from 1-bit to 64-bit, with multiple dithering methods using various palette options. You can choose to expose in your application 8 different dithering methods including Floyd Stein, Burkes, Ordered dithering, Stucki, Stephens, Sierra and Jarvis.

Flexible palette options include LEAD's fixed palette, an auto-optimized palette, or a user defined palette. Palettes can be applied to a single image or an entire list of images. Images can be converted, separated to and reconstructed from individual RGB, CMYK, CMY, HSV, HSL, YUV*, YIQ*, CIELAB*, XYZ*, YCCK*, Y41P*, UYVY*, YUY2*, YVU9* and YCC* color planes using LEAD's built in conversion functions, ICC color profiles* or Emulation Tables*.

When working with 12 and 16 bit grayscale images, LEADTOOLS' window leveling allows you to select the desired range of bits to be used for display or processing. * These advanced Color Conversion features are only available in the LEADTOOLS Color Conversion API.

Supported Platforms

Color Conversion ActiveX

Color Conversion API

Color Conversion Class Library

Color Conversion COM

Color Conversion VCL

Color Conversion .NET