Medical Multimedia Filter Pack

The Medical Multimedia Filter Pack is a suite of DirectShow filters for compressing and decompressing video and audio data inside DICOM files. This product was designed to take out the complexity from converting cine images and video streams to DICOM objects including X-ray Angiography (XA), Ultrasound (US), Visible Light (VL), Secondary Capture (SC) and much more. The Medical Multimedia Filter Pack utilizes powerful compression algorithms like MPEG2 and JPEG2000, which are part of the DICOM Standard.

The Medical Multimedia Filter Pack includes two main components: the Writer and the Reader.

The Writer (encode video sequences in DICOM)

The writer component includes the DirectShow filters that are used for creating DICOM objects with compressed video and audio data.

Key Features:

Examples of DICOM objects that can be created using the Writer component:

MPEG2 encoding in DICOM:

MPEG-2 is a high quality video compression and is primarily targeted for applications that require higher bitrates or high bandwidth usage. The DICOM standard uses MPEG2 lossy compression with middle range quality, which typically delivers between 30 Mbytes and 60 Mbytes per minute of video.

The DICOM MPEG2 objects created using the writer fully adhere to the rules of MPEG2 encoding in DICOM which are described by the new transfer syntax “MPEG2 Main Profile @ Main Level” (1.2.840.10008.

Some of the typical modalities that can take advantage of MPEG2 encoding in DICOM include Endoscopy, Cardiology and Micro-surgery.

DirectShow filters included as part of the Writer component:

The Reader (play DICOM videos in any media player)

The reader component includes a set of DirectShow filters that register into the Windows collection of multimedia drivers and integrates with any application using DirectShow. Existing video software, such as Windows® Media Player® and Ulead Media Studio®, can utilize these filters to play video (cine) data in a DICOM file.

Key Features:

DirectShow filters included as part of the Reader component: