ErrorMsg property (LEADMrc Control)

C++ Builder Example

Delphi Example


Builder Syntax

System::AnsiString ErrorMsg

Delphi Syntax

ErrorMsg: String


Refer to Working with the LEADMrc Control.


(Read only) (Document/Medical only) Gives the description corresponding to the error resulting from the last method called or property set. If the last operation was successful, the value is an empty string.

See Also


BaseBackColor property, BaseForeColor property, CombineFactor property, CombineFlags property, EnableMethodErrrors property, Error property, Grayscale2BitCoder property, Grayscale8BitCoder property, Grayscale8BitQFactor property, ImageType property, MaskCoder property, MRCPagesCount property, PictureCoder property, PictureQFactor property, Sensitivity property, Text2BitCoder property, AutoSegment method, CombineSegments method, CopySegmentationData method, CreateNewSegment method, DeleteSegment method, EnumSegments method, GetPagesCount method, Load method, LoadSegmentation method, Save method, SaveSegmentation method, SaveT44 method, SetSegmentData method, StartSegmentation method, StopSegmentation method, OnEnumSegments event


MRC Bitmap Functions: Auxiliary Elements