

LEADTOOLS VCL consists of several packages. Each package contains one or more custom controls developed by LEAD Technologies, Inc. These packages and their contents are as follows:

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS VCL Main Package: The LEADTOOLS VCL Main Package contains the LEAD Main Control Module. The LEAD Main Control Module (32-bit) provides the custom controls for incorporating image compression, file format support, and image processing into your applications.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS VCL Additional Package: The LEADTOOLS VCL Additional Package contains the LEAD ImageList Control Module, the LEAD ThumbnailBrowser Control Module and the LEAD Screen Capture Control. The LEAD ImageList Control Module provides the custom controls for displaying and manipulating image lists. The LEAD Thumbnail Browser Control Module provides custom controls for generating thumbnails of LEAD supported images from a directory. The LEAD Screen Capture Control Module provides custom controls for performing the following captures: entire screen, active window, selected menu, menu under cursor, selected window object (button, tool bar, icon, or client area), selected area (rectangle, ellipse, triangle, polygon or freehand), wallpaper, mouse pointer, and resource stored in EXE or DLL. Options include multi-capture, Hot Keys, and time interval. Please note that the Documentation for the LEAD Screen Capture Control Module can be found in the LEADTOOLS Screen Capture VCL help file, Ltscrvcln.chm in the LEAD\Help directory. In addition, please note that the LEADTOOLS VCL Main Package must be installed on the system in order to install the LEADTOOLS VCL Additional Package.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS VCL Scanning Package: The LEADTOOLS VCL Scanning Package contains the LEAD ISIS Control Module. LEAD ISIS Control Module provides custom controls for incorporating ISIS scanner control into your applications. In addition, please note that the LEADTOOLS VCL Main Package must be installed on the system in order to install the LEADTOOLS VCL Scanning Package.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS VCL DICOM Package: The LEADTOOLS VCL DICOM Package contains the LEAD DICOM Control Module. The LEAD DICOM Control Module provides a custom control for incorporating DICOM image file format support into your applications. The LEAD DICOM Control Module is only available in the LEADTOOLS Medical toolkits. Please note that the LEADTOOLS VCL Main Package must be installed on the system in order to install the LEADTOOLS VCL DICOM Package.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS VCL Annotation Package: The LEADTOOLS VCL Annotation Package contains the LEAD Annotation Control Module. The LEAD Annotation Control Module provides a custom control for incorporating annotation support into your applications. The LEAD Annotation Control Module is only available in the LEADTOOLS Document/Medical toolkits. Please note that the LEADTOOLS VCL Main Package must be installed on the system in order to install the LEADTOOLS VCL Annotation Package.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS VCL MRC Package: The LEADTOOLS VCL MRC Package contains the LEAD MRC Control Module. The LEAD MRC Control Module provides a custom control to let you incorporate the ability to work with MRC (Mixed Raster Content) files in your applications. The LEAD MRC Control Module is only available in the LEADTOOLS Document/Medical toolkits. Please note that the Documentation for the LEAD MRC Control Module can be found in the LEADTOOLS MRC VCL help file, Ltmrcvcln.chm in the LEAD\Help directory. In addition, please note that the LEADTOOLS VCL Main Package must be installed on the system in order to install the LEADTOOLS VCL MRC Package.

This help file contains only the documentation for the properties, methods and events in the LEAD MRC Control Module.

The toolkit comes in 32-bit Document/Medical and non-Document/Medical editions. You can use the LEADTOOLS VCL in:

Delphi 4.0

Delphi 5.0

Delphi 6.0

Delphi 7.0

C++ Builder 4.0

C++ Builder 5.0

C++ Builder 6.0

The toolkit comes in WIN32 editions so that it can support development of software applications for any of the following environments:

Windows 3.x
Windows NT 4.x
Windows NT
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows 2000
Windows ME

Please note that due to the large size of the PDF files that contain the LEADTOOLS manuals, these files are no longer included in the setup. Instead, these PDF files can be downloaded from our website at



Introduction To Image Processing with LEADTOOLS

Compression Using LEAD and JPEG Formats

Summary of All Supported Image File Formats

Compression Quality Factors

Compression Quality Factors in the LEADMrc Control