typedef struct _tagMarkOptions
   L_UINT uStructSize;
   L_UINT uColSuspCharacter;
   L_UINT uColRejectionSymbol;
   L_UINT uColMissingSymbol;
   L_UINT uColSuspWord;
   L_WCHAR szSepBeforeSuspCharacter[MAX_SIZE];
   L_WCHAR szSepBeforeRejectionSymbol[MAX_SIZE];
   L_WCHAR szSepBeforeMissingSymbol[MAX_SIZE];
   L_WCHAR szSepStartofSuspWord[MAX_SIZE];
   L_WCHAR szSepEndofSuspWord[MAX_SIZE];
   L_WCHAR szSepStartofLine[MAX_SIZE];
   L_WCHAR szSepEndofLine[MAX_SIZE];
   L_WCHAR szSepStartofTableRow[MAX_SIZE];
   L_WCHAR szSepEndofTableRow[MAX_SIZE];
   L_WCHAR szSepStartofPara[MAX_SIZE];
   L_WCHAR szSepEndofPara[MAX_SIZE];
   L_WCHAR szSepStartofZone[MAX_SIZE];
   L_WCHAR szSepEndofZone[MAX_SIZE];
   L_WCHAR szSepStartofPage[MAX_SIZE];
   L_WCHAR szSepEndofPage[MAX_SIZE];

The MARKOPTIONS structure contains Output-marking properties (coloring or separator marking) for the final output document.




Specifies the structure size. It should be equal to sizeof(MARKOPTIONS).


Defines a color for the suspect characters in the final output document. Valid values may be one or more COLOR_RESULT values, ORed (|).


Defines a color for the rejection symbol in the final output document. Valid values may be one or more COLOR_RESULT values, ORed (|).


Defines a color for the missing symbol in the final output document. Valid values may be one or more COLOR_RESULT values, ORed (|).


Defines a color for the suspect words in the final output document, i.e. for the words not approved by the Checking subsystem. Valid values may be one or more COLOR_RESULT values, ORed (|).


Pointer to a user-defined UNICODE string or NULL. It must point to a separator string that will be inserted before each suspect character in the final output document.


Pointer to a user-defined UNICODE string or NULL. It must point to a separator string that will be inserted before each rejection symbol in the final output document.


Pointer to a user-defined UNICODE string or NULL. It must point to a separator string that will be inserted before each missing symbol in the final output document.


Pointer to a user-defined UNICODE string or NULL. It must point to a separator string that will be inserted before each suspect word in the final output document (i.e. before the words not approved by the Checking subsystem).


Pointer to a user-defined UNICODE string or NULL. It must point to a separator string that will be inserted after each suspect word in the final output document (i.e. after the words not approved by the Checking subsystem).


Pointer to a user-defined UNICODE string or NULL. It must point to a separator string that will be inserted at the beginning of each line in the final output document.


Pointer to a user-defined UNICODE string or NULL. It must point to a separator string that will be inserted at he end of each line in the final output document.


Pointer to a user-defined UNICODE string or NULL. It must point to a separator string that will be inserted before each table row in the final output document.


Pointer to a user-defined UNICODE string or NULL. It must point to a separator string that will be inserted at the end of each table row in the final output document.


Pointer to a user-defined UNICODE string or NULL. It must point to a separator string that will be inserted at the beginning of each paragraph in the final output document.


Pointer to a user-defined UNICODE string or NULL. It must point to a separator string that will be inserted at the end of each paragraph in the final output document.


Pointer to a user-defined UNICODE string or NULL. It must point to a separator string that will be inserted at the beginning of each zone in the final output document.


Pointer to a user-defined UNICODE string or NULL. It must point to a separator string that will be inserted at the end of each zone in the final output document.


Pointer to a user-defined UNICODE string or NULL. It must point to a separator string that will be inserted at the beginning of each page in the final output document.


Pointer to a user-defined UNICODE string or NULL. It must point to a separator string that will be inserted at the end of each page in the final output document.


pMARKOPTIONS is a pointer to a MARKOPTIONS structure. Where the function parameter type is pMARKOPTIONS, declare a MARKOPTIONS variable, update the structure's fields, and pass the variable's address in the parameter. Declaring a pMARKOPTIONS variable is necessary only if the program requires a pointer.

This structure is used with the following functions:



This structure is used with the RESULTOPTIONS structure.