Confidence property (ILTRecognizedCharacters)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



long Confidence


Refer to Using Recognized Characters


Gets or sets a value that represents the certainty of the recognition of the first guess and the certainty of the word.

This property is updated with the current setting when the GetRecognizedCharacters method is called.

To update the set of recognized characters, set this property and the other ILTRecognizedCharacters properties accessed by the RecognizedCharacter property and call the SetRecognizedCharacters method.

See Also


Top property, Left property, Width property, Height property, Yoffset property, Space property, SpaceErr property, GuessCode property, GuessCode2 property, GuessCode3 property, ZoneIndex property, CellIndex property, Font property, Flags property, FontSize property, LanguageId property, LanguageId2 property, GetRecognizedCharacters method, RecognizedCharactersCount property, RecognizedCharacter property, SetRecognizedCharacters method


Quick Reference OCR: Using Recognized Characters