ParagraphIndentMode property (ILTParagraphOptions)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



MODE_SELECTOR ParagraphIndentMode


Refer to Using the Paragraph Options


Gets or sets a value that indicates whether an indented first line of a paragraph will be exported, and if so, is the indentation size calculated or predefined. For a list of possible values, refer to MODE_SELECTOR.

This property is updated with the current values when the GetRecognitionResultOptions method is called.

To update the paragraph options for saving the recognition results, set this property and the other ILTParagraphOptions properties accessed by the ParagraphOptions property of the ResultOptions property, and call the SetRecognitionResultOptions method.

See Also


SpaceBeforeMode property, SpaceBefore property, FirstLineIndent property, LineSpacingMode property, LineSpacing property, AlignmentMode property, Alignment property, ResultOptions property, ParagraphOptions property, GetRecognitionResultOptions method, SetRecognitionResultOptions method


Quick Reference OCR: Using the Paragraph Options