SaveDocument method (ILEADRasterDocument)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



short SaveDocument (BSTR bstrFileName);


Refer to Handling the Results of the Recognition Process


Saves the recognition results to the specified file.

The Recognize method saves the recognition results to the file specified in the RecognitionDataFileName property. When the SaveDocument method is called, the recognition results are read from the file specified in the RecognitionDataFile property and converted to the final output file specified in the bstrFileName parameter of the SaveDocument method.

To save the recognition results to memory instead of a file, set the EnableSaveResultsToMemory property to TRUE and call the SaveResultsToMemory method.

See Also


GetStatus method, Recognize method, SetRecognitionResultOptions method, GetRecognitionResultOptions method, SaveResultsToMemory method, GetFileFormatInfo method, GetOutputFileFormats method, SpecialRejectedCharacter property, SpecialMissingSymbol property, GetRecognizedCharacters method, SetRecognizedCharacters method, SaveResultsToMemory method, EnableSaveResultsToMemory property


Quick Reference OCR: Handling the Results of the Recognition Process