ZoneWidth property (ILEADRasterDocument)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



long ZoneWidth


Refer to Working with Zones


Gets or sets the width of the area in which the FindZones method will search for zones.

This property will be used only if the bUseImageArea parameter of the FindZones method is FALSE.

The other properties used to define the search area are:

ZoneHeight property

ZoneLeft property

ZoneTop property

See Also


ZoneCount property, AddZone method, UpdateZone method, RemoveZone method, ImportZones method, ExportZones method, FindZones method, SetAutoZoneOptions method, GetAutoZoneOptions method, GetZoneInfo method, DefaultPageFillMethod property, PageFillMethod property, ShowZoneGridLines property, EnableZoneForceSingleColumn property, ZoneHeight property, ZoneLeft property, ZoneTop property, ZoneParser property


Quick Reference OCR: Working with Zones