AddZone Example for Visual Basic
Private Sub Command6_Click()
Dim nZoneCount As Long
Dim csBuffer As String
Dim nRet As Long
Set ZoneData = New LTZoneData
ZoneData.Left = 100
ZoneData.Top = 100
ZoneData.Right = 200
ZoneData.Bottom = 200
ZoneData.FillMethod = FM_DEFAULT
ZoneData.RecognizeModule = RECOGNIZE_MODULE_AUTO
ZoneData.CharacterFilter = CHAR_FILTER_DEFAULT
ZoneData.Flags = 0
ZoneData.EnableVerificationEvent = False
ZoneData.SectionName = "cities"
nRet = RasterDoc.AddZone (0, 0, ZoneData)
If nRet = 0 Then
MsgBox "The engine added a new zone to the document successfully" + Chr$(13) + _
"The Added Zone ID = " + Str(ZoneData.ID)
MsgBox ("The engine could not add a new zone to the document")
End If
nZoneCount = RasterDoc.ZoneCount (0)
MsgBox "Total zones in the specified page: " + Str(nZoneCount)
End Sub