GetUserDictionarySection Example for Visual Basic
Private Sub Command31_Click()
Dim bState As Boolean
Dim strSection As String
Dim strSectionItem As String
MsgBox "User Dictionray Name = " + RasterDoc.DictionaryFileName + Chr$(13) + _
"Default Section Name = " + RasterDoc.DictionaryDefaultSection
bState = RasterDoc.DictionaryState
If bState = True Then 'Make sure that the True vaue is 1
MsgBox ("The current user dictionary is changed")
MsgBox ("The current user dictionary is not changed")
End If
strSection = RasterDoc.GetUserDictionarySection (SECTION_NAME_LENGTH, True)
MsgBox "First Section in the current User Dictionray = " + strSection
strSectionItem = RasterDoc.GetUserDictionarySectionItem (strSection, 512, True)
MsgBox "1st Section Item in the 1st section of the current User Dictionray = " + strSectionItem
End Sub