Using the HandPrint Options

If the RecognizeModule property (ILTZoneData) of a specific zone is RECOGNIZE_MODULE_HAND_PRINTED_NUMERAL, then the Hand Printed Numerical Recognition Module is associated with the zone and several other hand print options can be used to aid in recognition of the zone.

To get the current hand print options, call the GetHandPrintOptions method. This method updates the HandPrintModuleOptions property with the current values. The HandPrintModuleOptions property itself is read only, but the ILTHandPrintOptions properties accessed through this property can be set. Set these properties to the desired new values and set the Hand Print options for the OCR engine by calling the SetHandPrintOptions method.

Since the hand print options pertain to characteristics of hand printed numerals, the properties represent various characteristics of hand written numbers. The style of the numbers can be found in the Style property. The height and width of the characters can be found in the CharacterHeight and CharacterWidth properties respectively. The CharacterSpace property indicates how much space is present before each character. If the EnableSpace property is set to TRUE, then this space will be output to the recognition results.