SelectZone method (ILEADRasterDocument)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



short SelectZone (IDispatch *pRaster, long hDC, short iPageIndex, short iZoneIndex, BOOL bSelect);


Refer to Drawing Pages and Zones


Selects or deselects the specified zone and draws it in the specified hDC.

This method updates the SelectedZone property and the SelectZoneIndex property with information on the specified zone.

See Also


ActivePageIndex property, DrawPage method, DrawPersistence property, SelectedZone property, SelectedZonePenColor property, SelectedZonePenStyle property, UpdatePage method, UpdateZoneArea method, SelectZoneByPoint method, SelectedZonePenWidth property, SetZonePen method, SetSelectedZonePen method, RemoveSelectedZone method, EnableShowZones property, ZonePenColor property, ZonePenStyle property, ZonePenWidth property


Quick Reference OCR: Drawing Pages and Zones