
The LEADTOOLS DigitalPaint features let you incorporate Paint capabilities into your Windows applications by providing the functions necessary to write a painting program or any painting related application. The painting output can be painted to the control, a bitmap, or both. In addition, LEADTOOLS DigitalPaint provides the option of color restriction, using an optional restriction palette.

The painting tools are divided into five groups, as follows:

image\sqrblit.jpg Paintbrush group.

image\sqrblit.jpg Shape group.

image\sqrblit.jpg Region group.

image\sqrblit.jpg Fill group.

image\sqrblit.jpg Text group.

Each group is described in further detail in the following sections.

Paintbrush group

The LEADTOOLS DigitalPaint paintbrush group has most of the features found in any artistic painting program. The created paintbrush is translated and scaled automatically for the control and/or the bitmap, using user-defined transformation settings.

Shape group

The LEADTOOLS DigitalPaint shape group eliminates some of the Windows API programming normally required when drawing shapes. In addition, shapes may be painted with varying degrees of opacity, or with a paper texture, or with a gradient background, etc. The resulting shapes are translated and scaled automatically for the control (device context) and/or the bitmap, using user-defined transformation settings.

This group can draw the following shapes:

image\sqrblit.jpg Line

image\sqrblit.jpg Rectangle

image\sqrblit.jpg Rounded rectangle

image\sqrblit.jpg Ellipse

image\sqrblit.jpg Polygon

image\sqrblit.jpg Polybezier.

Region group

The LEADTOOLS DigitalPaint region group can create regions ranging from simple to very complex (many of which are not supported by Windows). Functionality also includes region scaling, which is not supported directly by Windows. Resulting regions are translated and scaled automatically for the control (device context) and/or the bitmap, using user-defined transformation settings.

Regions can be created by using shapes (Rectangles, Rounded rectangles, Ellipses or Polygons) or by using fills (Surface, Border, or Color Replacement).

Fill group

The LEADTOOLS DigitalPaint fill group gives the user complete area filling solutions with regards to both the method of filling and the features of filling. The resulting filled area is translated and scaled automatically for the control (device context) and/or the bitmap, using user-defined transformation settings.

There are three Fill group filling methods: Surface, Border and Color replace. The Surface fill method fills an area that contains a specified color starting at a specified point and continuing in all directions. A tolerance range can also be set to accept colors very close in value to the specified color. The Border fill method fills an area starting at a specified point and continuing in all directions until finding a specified color. A tolerance range can also be set to stop filling when colors very close in value to the specified color are found. The Color replace fill method replaces every pixel using the current fill settings.

Text group

The LEADTOOLS DigitalPaint text group includes comprehensive text drawing features. Drawn text is translated and scaled automatically for the device context (DC) and/or the bitmap, using user-defined transformation settings.

The LEADTOOLS DigitalPaint features are available in the following product:

LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging Pro

LEADTOOLS Document Imaging

LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite

LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging

LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite

Support for the DigitalPaint features is provided for the following programming interfaces:



Class Library