Scanning / Screen Capturing
The LEADTOOLS products have many ways to manage image acquisition and control scanners, digital cameras and capture cards with TWAIN and ISIS* drivers. The following sections on Capturing, Capture Utilities, TWAIN Scanning, and ISIS Scanning describe these capabilities in further detail.
The LEADTOOLS Screen Capturing features provide support for capturing all or part of the screen. The result can then be used with any of the LEADTOOLS image processing functions and can be saved in any of the more than 70 file formats that LEAD supports.
With the LEADTOOLS Capture feature you can capture the:
Entire screen
Active window
Menu under cursor
Window under cursor (button, tool bar, icon,
or client area)
Selected object
Mouse cursor or wallpaper
LEADTOOLS also allows for capture of a selected area of the screen in a wide array of shapes such as:
Rounded rectangle
Polygon or freehand
Bitmap and cursor resources can be captured from 16 or 32-bit Windows EXE and DLL files. Options include:
with callback
The LEADTOOLS Capturing features are available in the following products:
LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite
LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite
Support for the Capturing features is provided for the following programming interfaces:
Class Library
The LEADTOOLS Capturing utilities are available in the following end user products:
LEAD Technologies, Inc. offers two Screen Capture utilities that are included as part of the LEADTOOLS ePrint Driver: a stand-alone application, and a toolbar that can be loaded as a toolbar that appears in the Windows taskbar. Both utilities allow you to capture the entire screen, an active window, a selected menu, a menu under the cursor, a selected window object (button, tool bar, icon, or client area), a selected area (rectangle, ellipse, triangle, polygon or freehand), the wallpaper, the mouse pointer, or resources stored in EXE's and DLL's. Options include multi-capture, Hot Keys, and time interval.
These utilities can be used to:
Capture images of products to display on
the web.
Capture images to include in product documentation
or training.
Capture images of issues to send to support
personnel to resolve problems more quickly.
LEADViEW is an easy to use yet powerful and full-featured image editor. With LEADViEW, you can create, modify, enhance and retouch images. Use LEADViEW to:
Import/capture images from scanners, digital
cameras and screen.
Save or convert images to any of over 60
image formats.
Process images for color correction and enhancement
using a wide variety of filters and effects.
Edit or retouch images with powerful painting
and drawing tools.
Print and composite images using an interactive
visual print layout system.
Generate image-maps for use in web pages,
using a visual image-map editor.
The LEADTOOLS TWAIN Scanning features provide support for image acquisition through industry standard interfaces from a wide variety of hardware devices. With LEADTOOLS you can control any scanner, digital camera or capture card that has a TWAIN device driver. High-level acquisition support is provided for ease of use, and low-level functionality is provided for flexibility and control in even the most demanding applications.
Using LEADTOOLS TWAIN capabilities, your application can:
Use the default user interface included with
the TWAIN driver.
Create your own user interface.
Bypass the interface entirely for completely
automated tasks or batch scanning.
Control the type of image that is acquired
(black & white, b/w with halftone, grayscale, color - as supported
by the device).
Control the resolution (dpi), position, size,
and orientation of the image to be acquired.
Use the Automated Document Feeder for single
and multi-page scans, including support for duplex scanning.
Use supplied events and callbacks to code
your own special per-page processing
Use selection dialogs to allow selection
of TWAIN source, or select among multiple TWAIN sources in code.
Use native, buffered memory or file transfer
modes when acquiring from a TWAIN device.
Get and set all TWAIN v1.9 capabilities that
the device's TWAIN driver supports.
Save the device's TWAIN capability settings
to a template file, helping to save multiple settings of sources and load
them as needed.
Use buffered memory transfer mode, including
compression. Compress the scan data using JPEG, RLE, BITFIELDS, GROUP
3, GROUP 4 or PACKBITS compression to reduce the data transfer bottle
Save the Memory Buffered Transfer data directly
to a file.
Get the Extended Image Info that some TWAIN
scanner drivers support. For example, if the scanner driver supports reading
barcodes or patch codes, then that information could be retrieved via
With LEADTOOLS TWAIN support you can do anything that your TWAIN v1.9 driver supports. If your TWAIN driver is not v1.9 or does not support a functionality listed above, then LEADTOOLS will support all of the features that the driver has that are compatible with the TWAIN v1.9 specification.
LEADTOOLS TWAIN support gives your applications access to the wide variety of devices which can acquire images via TWAIN from manufacturers like Kodak, Hewlett Packard, Microtek, Logitech, Fuji and many more.
(Document/Medical only) LEADTOOLS also supports Fast Twain scanning, which allows you to optimize your scanning by changing the scan configuration. Please note that this capability is only available in the Document/Medical toolkits and it is only provided for the API and COM programming interfaces.
The LEADTOOLS TWAIN Scanning features are available in the following products:
LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging Pro for .NET
LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite
LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite
Support for the TWAIN Scanning features is provided for the following programming interfaces:
Class Library
(Document/Medical only) The LEADTOOLS ISIS Scanning features provide support for using the driver's built-in dialog box to control image acquisition or by-passing it and create a custom interface. The LEADTOOLS ISIS support functions offer control over image size, position, brightness, contrast, resolution, orientation, gamma and compression. Developers can request compressed data from the ISIS driver, for faster image acquisition. LEADTOOLS supports single page acquire to memory, multi-page acquire to multi-page file, and multi-page acquire to multiple single page files. With LEADTOOLS, your application can acquire images from ISIS compliant scanners from manufacturers like Ricoh, Hewlett Packard, Bell&Howell, and others. You can use images acquired as document (halftone), grayscale or color for use in check & form processing applications, stock photo collections, WebPages and more.
ISIS support is only available in the Document/Medical versions. LEAD does not grant any license to the ISIS driver, or to ISIS development capabilities. It is your responsibility to obtain the appropriate license to cover your development project, either from Pixel Translations, or one of their licensees.
The LEADTOOLS ISIS Scanning features are available in the following products:
LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite
LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite
Support for the ISIS Scanning features is provided for the following programming interfaces:
Class Library