Example Programs


You can run some of the example programs on your system by clicking the appropriate buttons in online help. An error message will appear if you try to run an example program that is not on your system.

The executable files for these examples were compiled with a Document/Medical toolkit. To get Document/Medical capabilities, you must buy a LEADTOOLS Document/Medical product. Otherwise, if you recompile the examples, the resulting executable files will not have the Document/Medical capabilities.

Visual C++ 5.0


EXAMPLES\COM\MSVC5\ScrDemo contains a sample application that demonstrates most of the Screen Capture capabilities in the Visual C++ 5.0 environment. You can open the project in Visual C++; then compile and run it.

Visual Basic


EXAMPLES\COM\VB\ScrCap32 contains a sample application that demonstrates most of the Screen Capture capabilities in the Visual Basic 5.0 environment. You can open the project in Visual Basic; then compile and run it.