CaptureActiveWindow Example for Delphi 4.0
This is also the example for the CaptureCancelKey property, CaptureDelay property, CaptureCount property, CaptureInterval property, CaptureInfohWnd property, .
{set status cursor}
LEADScr1.CaptureStatusCursor := crHourGlass;
{set cancel key to ESC}
LEADScr1.CaptureCancelKey := VK_ESCAPE;
LEADScr1.CaptureDelay := 1000; {wait 5 secs before starting}
LEADScr1.CaptureInterval := 1000; {capture every second}
LEADScr1.CaptureCount := 25; {capture 25 images}
{start the captures}
{display the results}
Edit1.Text := IntToStr(LEADScr1.CaptureInfohWnd);