CaptureAreaOptionDlg Example for Builder 3.0
This is also the example for the CaptureInfoTop, CaptureInfoLeft, CaptureInfoWidth, and CaptureInfoHeight properties.
void __fastcall TForm1::Button3Click(TObject *Sender)
/*set options*/
LEADScr1->CaptureAreaOptionDlg(this, 0);
/* a capture using these options*/
/*copy the captured image to a Main Control*/
LEAD1->Bitmap = LEADScr1->Bitmap;
/*display the capture result info*/
Edit1->Text = IntToStr( (LEADScr1->CaptureInfoTop));
Edit2->Text = IntToStr( (LEADScr1->CaptureInfoLeft));
Edit3->Text = IntToStr( (LEADScr1->CaptureInfoWidth));
Edit4->Text = IntToStr( (LEADScr1->CaptureInfoHeight));
/*reset area options*/