Acquire method (ILEADRasterTwain)

Visual Basic Example

Visual C++ 5.0 Example



short Acquire (long lFlags)


Refer to How to Acquire from the TWAIN Source.


Acquires one or more images from a TWAIN source.

The number of pages to acquire can be determined by getting the TWAIN source's capabilities. To change the number of pages to acquire, set the appropriate capability to the desired number.

This method gets images from the selected TWAIN source. There are two ways to obtain the acquired images(s):


The user set SaveAcquiredBitmap property to TRUE before calling the Acquire method. Therefore, when calling the Acquire method, the AcquiredBitmapList and AcquiredBitmap properties will be updated with the acquired images(s). In this case, calling the Acquire method will not occur the AcquirePageEvent event.


The user set SaveAcquiredBitmap property to FLASE before calling the Acquire method. Therefore, for each image acquired by the Acquire method, an AcquirePageEvent event occurs and the image is passed to the event. In this case, the AcquiredBitmapList and AcquiredBitmap properties will not be valid and will not be updated with the acquired images(s).

The Acquire method acquires pages in the following transfer modes:


Gets the bitmaps being scanned into the memory as a whole.

Memory Buffered

Gets images from the source as strips of data. These strips can be merged to get the whole image.

To set the transfer mode, call SetCapability method with the appropriate capability constant set in the pCapability parameter.

To cancel the acquire operation call the CancelAcquire method.

See Also


AcquirePageEvent event, ManName property, ProdFamily property, Version property, AppName property, SourceCount property, SourceName property, CapsCount property, Capability property, InitSession method, EndSession method, SelectSource method, SetCapability method, GetCapability method, QueryCapability method, ShowTemplateDlg method, SaveTemplate method, LoadTemplate method, FileTransferName property, MemBufSize property.


TWAIN Functionality: Image Functions