UnlockContainer method (Twain Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi 4.0 example


Builder Syntax

int UnlockContainer(pTW_CAPABILITY pCapability);

Delphi Syntax

Function UnlockContainer (pCapability: pTW_CAPABILITY ): L_INT;


Refer to How to Work with the Containers.


Sets the container information of the specified capability.

This method is used to unlock the container present in the TW_CAPABILITY stucture. For more information on the TW_CAPABILITY structure, refer to the Twain 1.9 Specification, available at www.twain.org.

To access the container so that it may be modified, call LockContainer method. This method provides the user with a pointer to the container. At this point the container may be changed. When the user has finished changing the container he or she must call UnlockContainer to unlock the container. Note that this can also be accomplished using the API GlobalLock and GlobalUnlock methods.

See Also


LockContainer method


TWAIN Functionality: Containers.